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Engineering Consultants

GR8 GEO specializes in geotechnical engineering, geotechnical earthquake engineering, geology and seismic hazard. It was formed in 2018 by a group of highly-skilled engineers with proven track-records for successfully managing and delivering complex, multi-disciplinary projects around the world. Through our technical expertise, extensive experience and delivery focus we provide innovative solutions to our clients that meet their most complex objectives.

>  Site Characterization
We integrate and interpret data collected from various site investigations to develop comprehensive 2D & 3D models of subsurface stratigraphy, evaluate potential geohazards and develop idealized properties for use in analyses and design.
>  Numerical Analyses
We routinely perform advanced numerical analyses to identify critical failure mechanisms in complex problems and design mitigation solutions, reduce conservatisms inherent in simplified state-of-practice approaches, optimize design and reduce costs for our clients.
>  Geotechnical Design
We support our clients throughout all stages of a project from development of concept designs during Tender stage all the way to detailed design solutions including drawings, specifications and supervision during construction.
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>  Offshore Geotechnical Engineering
We apply our expertise in advanced numerical modeling and our experience with a wide spectrum of multi-disciplinary projects spanning the nearshore and offshore environments to develop efficient and economical design solutions for a range of offshore structures.
>  Earthquake Engineering
Our earthquake expertise spans a wide range of services ranging from the development of site-specific ground motions to reduce uncertainty and establish a reliable design basis all the way to performance of advanced, state-of-the art dynamic analyses to develop reliable designs

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