Dr Lampros Sakellariadis is a Geotechnical Engineer at GR8 GEO. He completed his Ph.D on physical and numerical modelling of pile foundations under combined loading in ETH Zurich under the supervision of Professor Anastasopoulos. Subsequently, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher and Lecturer in ETH Zurich where he performed a series of centrifuge tests on reinforced concrete piles and pile groups under lateral, axial and combined loading typical of overpass bridges and parametric finite element analyses in ABAQUS using calibrated constitutive models, validated against the centrifuge tests. The results of the analyses were used to develop analytical failure envelops for RC pile groups.
He has research experience in several aspects of geotechnical engineering mainly focusing on soil-structure interaction. His research work has been published in a number of scientific journals conferences. Select projects he has worked on include seismic evaluation of existing infrastructure, design of temporary excavation support of a metro station, numerical evaluations of spudcan-monopile and spudcan-suction bucket interaction during jack up barge installation next to offshore wind turbines, and numerical evaluations of the contribution of soil-monopile interaction to the damping of offshore wind turbines.