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Vasileios Drosos




Dr Vasileios Drosos is a Principal Engineer at GR8 GEO.  He has over 15 years of experience in numerical modeling for geotechnical and soil-structure interaction analyses projects. He has worked extensively on advanced numerical modeling using ABAQUS and FLAC for several projects involving soil-structure interaction and earthquake related hazards such as slope stability and liquefaction. He has developed a range of tools used for site characterization and post-processing of advanced numerical analyses. He routinely works on probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, site response analyses, liquefaction evaluations, and soil-structure interaction analyses for projects in seismically active areas around the world.

As a researcher, Dr. Drosos has worked in more than 10 research projects funded by the EU, Public and Private Organizations and has co-authored 15 journal papers and more than 30 conference papers. His post-doctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley was on the dynamic soil-structure-interaction of seismically isolated nuclear power plants.

Selected projects he has worked on include the preliminary earthwork design for the Istanbul New Airport in Turkey; the site characterization, earthquake engineering studies and foundation design services for the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge in Turkey; the assessment of the seismic performance of critical earth structures in Groningen, the Netherlands; the evaluation of the performance of typical residential houses in Groningen underlain by liquefiable sands, the results of which were adopted in the local seismic code; the dynamic evaluation of new port structures in Greece (Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Igoumenitsa); and the design of major bridges against fault rupture along the New Elefsina-Corinthos-Patras Highway “Olympia Odos” in Greece.  

He was the lead analyst for the numerical evaluation of spudcan-pile interaction during the installation of a jack up barge next to an offshore platform, the numerical study of offshore platform mudmat bearing capacity, the assessment of spudcan penetration and extraction for an Offshore Wind Farm project, the dynamic evaluations of quay wall performance for Pier 6 Expansion in Thessaloniki Port and the numerical evaluations of pipeline demands due to slope movement performed through nonlinear pipe-soil interaction analyses for an LNG import terminal.


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